To keep your voice sounding the best it possibly can, you will need to take some proactive steps to keep it healthy. There are a number of different factors that can affect the quality of your voice. These include your diet, how well rested you are, and external elements…
The 6 Best Sounding Audio Interfaces Under $500
With all of the companies manufacturing entry-level interfaces these days, getting a solid interface for under $500 is nowhere near as hard as it used to be. Whether you are looking to create some solid vocal recording or lay down some sweet guitar riffs, we’ve got you…
10 Best Wireless Guitar Systems for the Money
As we move into the wireless era, it is no surprise that cables are starting to be phased out of the audio realm. Wireless guitar systems weren’t always high-quality through. For quite some time, the signal degradation was so bad that people were sacrificing their tone for…
The 9 Best Metronome for Drummers
As a drummer, you provide the foundation for the rest of your band. You’ve likely been to live concerts where you’ve seen a drummer who just can’t seem to keep time. It messes up the entire performance. YOU DON’T WANT TO BE THAT DRUMMER. A good drummer can put on an…
The Best Guitar Wah Pedals
If you are a guitarist that is looking to express yourself to the fullest, the best kind of pedal that we can recommend is the Wah. From funk to rock and roll, wah pedals create one of the most iconic guitar effects of all time. From the heel-down to the toe-down, wah pedals…
The 10 Best Delay Pedals for Guitar
When it comes to versatility, it doesn’t get much better than delay pedals. From your futuristic, digital monsters to your sweet, warm analog echoes, there are tons of different delay pedals on the market for all kinds of guitarists. You can even invest in multiple delays…